Help! repti-breeze humidity problems


New Member
I need suggestions on how to keep the humidity up on my repti-breeze I just got. Right now I only have fake plants but tommorrow I am going to to a nursery and picking up a ficus benjamina and some pothos plants to put in the cage and completely removing the fake plants. Oh, I will also be putting moss at the bottom to cover the dirt up and help with the humidity. to try and help keep in the humidity i covered the sides with the pieces of cardboard to try and help for now.
Right now I have a 100 watt bulb running during the day along with its UVB bulb and it keeps the temperature right at 80 degrees. The humidity is 40% and the only way I am able to keep that is if I am constantly going to the cage and misting it. I also have a humidifier that I run for about 20 minutes about every hour.
My questions is will live plants and moss help keep a stable humidity??? Because there is no way I can keep up this amount of misting because I don't have the time and my poor little guy is getting stressed out! I will post pictures soon of how I have it now.

ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE HELPFULL! I will be checking this forum very frequently so please help a pet lover out!
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