Help Plz


New Member
I ran out of crickets today. I placed an order on Ghann's for 1000 crickets yesterday. So I was hoping to get them tomorrow or the next day... They pulled a fast one on me and wont be shipping them out till Monday. So I probably wont have any food for him untill next Tuesday. And there are no stores anywhere near here that sell crickets! (There was a petsmart but it closed down, due to, too much snow. The roof collapsed!) I realize this is a long time to go without feeding him.

So I was wondering if there were any other ways I could feed him some fruit or veggies, or something. Just to get something in his belly. I know he only eats things that move. And he checks his food bowl repeatedly for crickets, only to be dissapointed. I feel bad! :(

So are there any suggestions?
What kind of chameleon fo you have?

Do you have any bait shops they sell crickets and alot of people dont know where they are though. Just try asking someone that knows your town or use google.

If it comes down to it some chameleons will eat earthworms which you can pick up at walmart. They arent great feeders but hold you over for a few days.
Ya, this is a smalltown in Iowa. There might be a bait shop... but I doubt they have any during winter..

I have some small fish in my aquarium.. Could I feed him one of those?
Ive seen ppl do it on youtube! lol
No fish IMO. Your cham is 6-7 inches long snout to tail right and is a veiled right? So he is probably 4-6 mos old and he should be okay until they arrive. In the meantime you can offer him slivers of strawberries and collard or turnip greens. You can either attach a whole green leaf to the side of the cage or rip it up in small pieces and put in feeder bowl with strawberries. They also eat, grapes, bananas, mangos but don't give him too much fruit, more greens would be better. I'm not saying a young cham doesn't need his bugs and they shouldn't go this long without eating, but you're in a jam. Feeders from bait stores worry me and I wouldn't feed them to my chams, simply because they are "bait" and who knows how they are kept.
I ran out of crickets today. I placed an order on Ghann's for 1000 crickets yesterday. So I was hoping to get them tomorrow or the next day... They pulled a fast one on me and wont be shipping them out till Monday. So I probably wont have any food for him untill next Tuesday. And there are no stores anywhere near here that sell crickets! (There was a petsmart but it closed down, due to, too much snow. The roof collapsed!) I realize this is a long time to go without feeding him.

So I was wondering if there were any other ways I could feed him some fruit or veggies, or something. Just to get something in his belly. I know he only eats things that move. And he checks his food bowl repeatedly for crickets, only to be dissapointed. I feel bad! :(

So are there any suggestions?

You will be fine until tuesday if you don't have any insects. Like draetish said, offer some collard greens or some cut fruits like suggested.
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