Help- Opening his mouth


New Member
Morning all,

I have a 3 month old Panther chameleon. Recently I keep seeing him opening his mouth and keeping it open. I have been reading up on other forum posts..but I am not exactly sure what RI is. I am posting my own thread due to the fact he is also puffing out his chin. As well I am almost positive he has no added saliva in his mouth. Where do I go from here?

Age: 3months old
Type: Male Ambilobe Panther chameleon
Diet: Gut loaded crickets, meal worms, and silk worms: Crickets are fed fresh veggies and high grade ground cat food w/ calcium
Suppliments: Calcium dust twice a week. multivitamin without D3 once a week and multivitamin with D3 once a month.
Lighting: UVB(5.0) tube, And 50watt basking spot light that is raised off the metal screen with a zoomed light stand.
Misting: About every 4 hours - Also have a humidifier flowing into his enclosure
Enclosure: 16X16X30 Reptibreeze

- He just got moved into a larger enclousure on friday and I had some issues with getting his basking temp. down to where I wanted it. - Basking is at 85F as of right now.


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Are you measuring where the spot light is? With a digital thermometer? Spot lights often put out very intense heat in one small spot.
yes, I have a digital thermometer and I am placing it directly where the spot light is hitting his branch.

I was a bit worried about the spot light just for that reason...but that was all my petstore had at this moment.

Would a house hold 40watt soft bulb do better?
That would work just fine depending on the size of your cage. Give it a try.

Why do you have a humidifier running into the cage? Is it that dry where you are? Humidifiers that are not clean or that create too much un-natural humidity are known to cause URI.
might have just been a typo, but D3 typically comes on your CALCIUM supplement, NOT your multivitamin supplement :)
Alright, ill switch the bulb see if that will help keep him cool.

I live in california and its pretty dry here. Without the humdifier I could only keep his cage at about 30/40 humidity with misting alone. It would jump to 65 then drop down once the water evaporated.

The humdifier was purchased for him specifically, I use filtered water in it only.

Would it be better if I had it near his cage not directly going into it?

I am new to chameleons so I am open to any criticism.
After changing his bulb to the 40Watt I cant get his basking zone above 79F.

I changed to the 60Watt house hold soft bulb and raised his stand, going to see if that improves the tmperature.

And I moved his humidifer so its not directly going into his cage anymore.
yeah i live in so cal, and it doesnt require a humidifier here. my guy uses a 60 watt soft light and it works great. His temps are perfect, but i open the window to let the air circulate every now and then.

Good luck
yeah i live in so cal, and it doesnt require a humidifier here. my guy uses a 60 watt soft light and it works great. His temps are perfect, but i open the window to let the air circulate every now and then.

Good luck

Yeah, the soft bulb is much better than the spot light. I'm very thankful for the help. Hopefully he will stop leaving his mouth open.

Also I live in nor cal. It's only humid when it rains here and its a lot colder than so cal.
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