Help he's sleeping on me


Established Member
Until some actual advice given by the experienced members (and even some new keepers) is even considered, I am not going to comment further after this. I'm sure that is not going to bother you, but I figured I would say this anyway.

You need to stop. You have an unhealthy chameleon. You are making things worse for that animal by adding to the stress level with each post you write. From constantly taking her out and "playing" with her and treating her like a movable stuffed animal you are causing her more issues that you can not actually see because you seem unwilling to watch the obvious signs. Your chameleon is not cute when sleeping on you, it is sad. You don't even give her time to see her new enclosure no less get used to it.

If you truly care about her, I hope you will start off by reading the basic care sheets for veiled chameleons. Lots of the simple husbandry techniques can be found there. Secondly, do a simple search about chameleons sleeping during the day. This may help you understand why it is not cute, but generally a bad sign. Start with that and good luck.

I will not be commenting anymore on any of your threads, unless things get out of hand and a moderator is needed.
I have to ask Wat is wrong with you? At first I thought you was someone that has had no experience with reptiles that needed to be pointed in the right direction I now see you only want this poor cham for attention and you really don't care if it lives or dies! It's really sad to say but this cham would have been better off left at a pet store . I do pray that this cham gets better but I'm sure you won't leave it alone long enough for it to so if and when slurpy does pass please do not get another one you are only hurting chams and the ppl that care about them...also I will no longer be reading your post as I can't see any reason to offer helpful advice when u clearly don't want it I hope everyone else will join in on boycotting your post so to speak
You seem like a child.

I know you claim to be studying genetics, but I can't believe you're any older than thirteen.

As I, and countless other members have said, YOU. ARE. KILLING. YOUR. CHAMELEON.

Since you can't seem to heed advice and leave her alone to allow her to recuperate, do everyone a favor and stop making these ridiculous posts.
Sick, stressed chams sleep more. Treating her like a toy will only bring her to her demise faster. Given all of your other posts it seems like that's what you're shooting for. It won't be long now at the pace you're going.
I don't treat her like a toy. Not in the slightest. I'm pretty sure i wouldn't spend over a hundred in vet costs on a 'toy'. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't build a new enclosure from the ground up for a 'toy'.
You seem like a child.

I know you claim to be studying genetics, but I can't believe you're any older than thirteen.

As I, and countless other members have said, YOU. ARE. KILLING. YOUR. CHAMELEON.

Since you can't seem to heed advice and leave her alone to allow her to recuperate, do everyone a favor and stop making these ridiculous posts.
I've been leaving her alone, but it's hard to do that when you have to hand feed her every day, yknow? I can't seem to heed advice? Then why did I completely build a new enclosure and asked if it was alright for her? Why did i ask for plant recommendations? Why have I been following advice given by members here? You're literally picking at straws trying to come up with something wrong.
I have to ask Wat is wrong with you? At first I thought you was someone that has had no experience with reptiles that needed to be pointed in the right direction I now see you only want this poor cham for attention and you really don't care if it lives or dies! It's really sad to say but this cham would have been better off left at a pet store . I do pray that this cham gets better but I'm sure you won't leave it alone long enough for it to so if and when slurpy does pass please do not get another one you are only hurting chams and the ppl that care about them...also I will no longer be reading your post as I can't see any reason to offer helpful advice when u clearly don't want it I hope everyone else will join in on boycotting your post so to speak
I do care if she lived or dies. And it's amazing that some people haven't noticed that i have to hand feed her. That means i need to feed her with formula because she isn't able to use her tongue with MBD. Leaving her alone would mean she'd die.
I know she's sick, but she's slowly getting better. I'm doing all that i can to nurse her back to health.
Healing is a process as is learning. Both Slurpy and I have already started
Until some actual advice given by the experienced members (and even some new keepers) is even considered, I am not going to comment further after this. I'm sure that is not going to bother you, but I figured I would say this anyway.

You need to stop. You have an unhealthy chameleon. You are making things worse for that animal by adding to the stress level with each post you write. From constantly taking her out and "playing" with her and treating her like a movable stuffed animal you are causing her more issues that you can not actually see because you seem unwilling to watch the obvious signs. Your chameleon is not cute when sleeping on you, it is sad. You don't even give her time to see her new enclosure no less get used to it.

If you truly care about her, I hope you will start off by reading the basic care sheets for veiled chameleons. Lots of the simple husbandry techniques can be found there. Secondly, do a simple search about chameleons sleeping during the day. This may help you understand why it is not cute, but generally a bad sign. Start with that and good luck.

I will not be commenting anymore on any of your threads, unless things get out of hand and a moderator is needed.
Let's dissect this piece by piece. "Until some actual advice given by the experienced members (and even some new keepers) is even considered..." What have i not concidered? I've made changes to her environment and stopped any unhealthy handling behavior. If you read, that would have been obvious.
"You have an unhealthy chameleon." Yes! I know! She's already on medication. I've adjusted her environment to fit her needs. The whole first paragraph is stuff that i've already fixed and already posted about fixing previously. I don't 'play' with her. I don't treat her like a movable stuffed animal. I take her out because I NEED TO! To feed her. And that's literally the only time i take her out. To feed her. I'm watching the signs, but she is by no means getting worse. She's actually getting better. Do you believe that? She's been slowly eating more on her own and drinking more. Her colors are more saturated, and she hasn't turned brown in 3 days which is a sign something is improving.
Also if you bothered to look at the time stamp it was at night when this happened so the whole thing about sleeping during the day is out the window.
Dr. Loomis at Westfield animal hospital?? Is that the dr who did the blood work to determine if she was an inbred ?
Let's dissect this piece by piece. "Until some actual advice given by the experienced members (and even some new keepers) is even considered..." What have i not concidered? I've made changes to her environment and stopped any unhealthy handling behavior. If you read, that would have been obvious.
"You have an unhealthy chameleon." Yes! I know! She's already on medication. I've adjusted her environment to fit her needs. The whole first paragraph is stuff that i've already fixed and already posted about fixing previously. I don't 'play' with her. I don't treat her like a movable stuffed animal. I take her out because I NEED TO! To feed her. And that's literally the only time i take her out. To feed her. I'm watching the signs, but she is by no means getting worse. She's actually getting better. Do you believe that? She's been slowly eating more on her own and drinking more. Her colors are more saturated, and she hasn't turned brown in 3 days which is a sign something is improving.
Also if you bothered to look at the time stamp it was at night when this happened so the whole thing about sleeping during the day is out the window.
This post was about you taking her OUTSIDE and then she fell asleep. I dont think you would need to take her outside to feed her.
Yea I called and talked to him and he's never done "genetic testing" and has never heard of it....... he also said wouldn't be able to tell if a chameleon was inbred
That's my main vet that i go to. I took Slurpy to Rutgers where there are people who study animal genetics/science. Animal Science undergrad programs are there also. It took alot of conversing but we got it done in the end. Inbreeding was admitted by the breeder.
I can't seem to heed advice? Then why did I completely build a new enclosure and asked if it was alright for her? Why did i ask for plant recommendations? Why have I been following advice given by members

You built a new enclosure because your first one was crap .

You asked for plant recommendations because you went into this without doing any research.

You also haven't been following advice. from the beginning you've argued against and ignored every piece or advice given.

You claim you've owned a chameleon before and it lived a long life, and died of old age. Yet for some reason, this time around you somehow managed to forget how to properly care for a chameleon and have basically driven this one's health straight into the toilet.

You can defend your ridiculous actions until you're blue in the face , but at the end of the day you clearly have no business owning a chameleon.
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