You probably shouldn't put the heater on all night unless your house is seriously cold. It gets fairly cold at night in the wild. It is also a waste of energy and money if it's not required. I do however think 1 heat bulb might not be sufficient for someone in a cold place during winter using a screen/mesh cage. Unless you're room is always warm during the day. I don't spend much time in my room during the day and therefore don't adjust the heating so perhaps I'm not the best example.

I aim for 31C which is 82F and I've heard a few people quote this. I rarely achieve this despite having 3 thermometers and a dimming thermostat. At night, temperatures recently have been going down to 14-16C (57 - 61F)
I went back and re-read some of your posts...on Nov. 20 you posted a picture and your chameleon looked healthy (although it was sitting somewhat on its side in the photos....won't know if that meant anything or not). Now, 2 weeks or so later he's having a terrible what happened in those two weeks?? Or what could have built up to a crisis suddenly?

Re: building were using Zoo-Med Reptitive 6 times a week instead of using a phos.-free calcium powder. It seems to contain a lot of preformed vitamin A which can build up in the system and may prevent the D3 from doing its job. It could cause organ damage too.

The picture you posted of him standing on his legs still bothers me because of the way he holds his chest in. They do this if they have aspirated something and if they are having trouble getting enough air and for other reasons that I can't explain...but its not a good sign. I hate to say it but I think you are going to lose him. :(
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