Heating lamp question


New Member
I have not used a heating lamp since about 6 months old on my Female Veiled Passion and she is about a year and a half. My Male Veiled Racer is about 8-9 months old and i've never used a heat lamp with him. I've never had heating issues or basking issues with them. My house is pretty much high 70s low 80s. And i live in Texas at the moment. I wanted to know your thoughts on this because they seem to be fine without the lamp but would like to know reasons this could effect them. Thanks.
Well, As long as you keep the temps perfect I don't see any problem not having one, but I suggest one for the winter months, I'm not sure how cold it gets in Texas in the fall/winter, but it might help.
I would have to say, if their temps are in the high 70s low 80s, you could see digestive problems. That seems a little to low to me, an adult Veiled basking temp should be around 90-95, with a cage temp of 82-87 is best. I always run a basking light and UVB, if the temps in my house go up, I just move the basking light accordingly.
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