Have you seen this?

that was just sick.... but survival of the fittest i guess, that little one just acted tough :p
That creeps you guys out? Don't you ever watch the Discovery Channel, Animal Channel, Nature Channel? I've seen worse than that. The only thing that creeps me out more than anything are spiders and snakes. lol
I have some national geographic videos and one of the videos has a part where some sort of venomous tree snake ambushes a flap neck chameleon and shows it swallowing the thing. Its sad but thats just how mother nature works. I also saw a video on you tube of some guys in Madagascar filming their cat catch a panther chameleon. Poor cat was torturing the thing and eventually killed it.
did you see the veiled chameleons eating mice with hair.. the mouse was agile so it had to be bigger then a fuzzie.. it seen the mouse and hunted it like a lion..
they have it on youtube..
A good lesson for those of you that have live bearers. You got to get them out of the cage as soon as they're born.
Yah know, I bet that big guy wasn't even hungry. The little one just pissed him off. It was the principle of the matter.
I showed that to my Fiance and my sister.. both of them were like "Awww NOOO, thats so sad!!!"

Would stink if you have a live bearer and they had the babies when you were at work and ate them :|
I work almost exclusively with live bearing chameleons and have for a while now and not once have I had a mother eat her newborns.

Now I've witnessed calyptratus siblings eat each other if not separated soon enough.

Well thats a good thing then! It looks like a terrible way to die. Eaten by something like you, only bigger.
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