Habbamist Necessary?

So, I was reading on the reviews for the habbamist, or habbaspit:rolleyes:
I hear it is more of a dripper than a mister, is it even worth the fifty bucks? Or should I go with another mister, anyone have any companies that sell decent ones for under 100?
Most members will more than likely recommend the Mistking. It starts at $99.99 us and from what I've read/seen videos of, it seems to be the best misting system you can get for the price. I haven't used a habba mist so i can't really touch up on that.
most members on here (including myself) will tell you that if you buy anything other than a mist king to start, you will end up hating it and getting the mist king anyway. Its worth the $100 but dont forget you will also need a timer if you get one.
I've got the habba mister and like most on the board will tell you it's more like the habba spitter. It's basically a small sprinkler that sprays blobs of water everywhere.

Oh and did I mention I can hear it from across the house, it's like a small blender that hangs from you enclosure.
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