Gravid Werners?


New Member
Grace is a WC Werners Chameleon that I got from LLL. Age - unsure. They thought that she may be gravid. What do you think?

Your opinions would be appreciated...


Possibly?? Im not too familiar with their color change but she is bloated... I would say better safe than sorry and giver somewhere to lay.. couldn't hurt?
She looks pretty hefty. I would say expect some babies soon. No need for a laying bin, they're live-bearers.

Werner's Chameleons don't lay eggs.

She is definitely a wild caught specimen and there is a good possibility that she is gravid. This particular species tends to mate early in the year and give birth in the late summer or fall.
Thanks for your opinions everyone. I am looking forward to watching her through this process. I am thankful that she is a live bearer, as I have only experience with Jackson's babies. Egg layers kind of make me nervous. :)
Thanks for your opinions everyone. I am looking forward to watching her through this process. I am thankful that she is a live bearer, as I have only experience with Jackson's babies. Egg layers kind of make me nervous. :)

Your girl is beautiful, I can't wait to see baby pictures. I can't believe you are ok with live babies but worry about eggs. I am just the reverse. I don't keep jacksons any longer cause live birth scares me. I would love to see them drop but I am too terrified. Don't tell, I act tough.:eek:
Lol - I guess I probably overstated my comfort on live bearers. I got a female Jackson's, and she was gravid - surprise, surprise. I was not home when she had them - she dropped 13, 3 never came out of the egg sac, and the 10 thrived for a few weeks, and then I lost 4. So, with less than 50% survival rate - I am sure now that I shouldn't be comfortable. Aaaahhhhhh!!!!
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