Gravid Panther Chameleon


New Member
It's been a month since she had relations, and she has yet to lay any eggs. I noticed she had purple/blue coloration today and I was wondering if this new color she's never had before was correlated with pregnancy? Any ideas or what I should do for her, I'm getting worried and I don't want her to die if she does not pass the eggs...
Can you post a picture please?

Does she have a place in her cage to dig to show you she's ready to lay the eggs?
My panther females all laid 36-45 days after copulation. Give it time some will reject food but mine did not. Mine did all sleep "hanging funny" 1-2 nights before digging.

There are proper accommodations set in place for her to lay eggs. Here are pictures of her at the moment.


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Those don't look like gravid colors. Are you sure they "hooked up"? What does she do when she sees your male?
Yea those look like receptive colors. She also doesnt have that plump, lumpy look they get when they are far along in the gestation period.
yes they hooked up. she get really mad and starts hissing, biting and trying to kill....and gets orange and black
If the female bites, hisses, turns dark with bright peach, etc. then you should not put them together....she's telling (you and) the male that is NOT receptive....or already producing eggs.
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