Give me some advice

Chameleons will not sleep in the presence of light not even red light. Jackson's sleep best over night when their cage temperature is closer to 60 degrees F. They start to sleep during the day when the can't sleep at night and eventually die of sleep deprivation. I'm glad you are ditching the light.
Only give multi vitamins once a month and Calcium with D3 once a month. Use plain calcium only twice per week lightly. Jackson's are very sensitive to over supplementation. They don't eat greens like veiled do so that won't be necessary save that for gutloading insects.
Okay awesome thanks for the advice yea do u think shes lethargic from sleep depravastion because i know even at the store we have night lights and not all the florescent lights shut off when we close up
Yes probably that and the stress of being in a new space
I figured as much and thanks so much for the help and links. I'll for sure ceck them out and see what information I can pull out from them. im really gonna do my best to give my chameleon the care she deserves.
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