Free Ranged Lighting


New Member
I need to know if I have 12 ft long (or something in that range) racks installed, all housing a good amount of plants would all these lights be over kill? Lights:
Atlantis Hydroponics 2-Foot Fluorescent Grow Bulb, Cool 6500 Kelvin
2 of those for plant growth.
Zoo Med ReptiSun Fluorescent Lamp 24" 17 watt.
2 of those for UVB
And, GE Lighting 97496 60-Watt 820-Lumen A19 Light Bulb with Medium Base, Soft White, 2-Pack
2 normal house lights for basking.
Now please, is this too much? And what kinda fixture should I use for the plant n repti sun lights? If it is overkill or something is wrong please tell me why and what I can do to improve.
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