Found a pac man frog


Established Member
Yes you read that right, I found a pacman frog in my back yard. Now I live in Wisconsin and the day time highs have been in the lower 50s. Hes was cold but alive so I scooped him up and put him in a ten gallon gallon aquarium with a heater and bowl of water. I know nothing about these little guys other than the eat everything and will bite. I have done some research on what type of enclosure would be best, but nothing like this site that has all the information in one place. Can anyone give me some pointers as to how to make my unexpected arrival more comfortable?


Make sure the tank has decent humidity - you might want to mist him. Also, pacman frogs love to bury themselves in moss, plants, dirt, etc. I've never had one, but that's what I know about them.
10 gallon size tank can be his permanent home. They are very "lazy" frogs and rarely move. They will eat anything they can fit into their mouths so make sure you don't put any rocks in his tank or anything he can swallow that isn't digestible.
Moist sphagnum for substrate will work just fine. I keep mine in a small 12x12 exo-terra and her temps are in the mid 60's at night and low to mid 70's day, I think my temps are low compared to recommendations.
Also, the top screen is covered with plastic in order to keep humidity high. I mist her also.
Give a shallow dish of water for the frog to soak in, they usually poop in the water.
I feed her crickets, superworms, roaches, and only occasionally a pinky mouse.

Hope this helps you some.
10 gallon size tank can be his permanent home. They are very "lazy" frogs and rarely move. They will eat anything they can fit into their mouths so make sure you don't put any rocks in his tank or anything he can swallow that isn't digestible.
Moist sphagnum for substrate will work just fine. I keep mine in a small 12x12 exo-terra and her temps are in the mid 60's at night and low to mid 70's day, I think my temps are low compared to recommendations.
Also, the top screen is covered with plastic in order to keep humidity high. I mist her also.
Give a shallow dish of water for the frog to soak in, they usually poop in the water.
I feed her crickets, superworms, roaches, and only occasionally a pinky mouse.

Hope this helps you some.

What type of lighting do you use I have no idea in just have a reptiglo 2.0 tube in mine but idk if that is really good for them or not
Frogs don't have to have uvb exposure like chameleons do. Take the heater out of the tank it will dry them out. There is a place that you can find all the info you need go to
Wow, I wish I could find a Pacman frog when I visit family in WI. LOL Glad that you took him in to be able to give him a great home! My friend rescued an iguana that was let loose about 25 miles away from where we live.
Yes, I don't use a light at all because I don't have any live plants in the enclosure. The frog does not need the light. I also don't use any supplement for heat, though her tank is near a heat vent.
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