Food issue


New Member
Hey everyone I haven't been active on the forum but i registered sometime last year im to busy with school and haven't had any issues with my cham.

The only small problem that hasn't exploded into a big problem is the diet. I live in Poland and my local store only carries some variety of food. Since I got my cham in october 08 hes been eating locasts and crickets.

A week or 2 ago he started to dislike the locusts. He attacked them, then killed them and let them drop to the ground or just bit of their heads off. He is enjoying the crickets which i give him dusted/undusted.

I want to avoid the problem of him getting bored of crickets, BUT i have limited options left which are :

1. superworms - i know they are treats but i got him 2, and he wasn't even interested in them and demanded his crickets

2. roaches - My store carries some sort of roach but the owner advised me that the roach's shell is to hard and would hurt the chams digestive tract

3. pinky mice- I haven't tried these I will be getting him one in the next week or 2.

4. Catch wild insects

Any Advice?
1. forget this feeder. They are too fat
2. roaches are very good feeders, it depends on which species you want to give. Normally you get B.dubia they are no problem
3. mice aren't necessary
4. that's probably the best food. But it depends where you live. If you live more rural best you can give your chameleon
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