Food help


I just got my veiled chameleons and there first owner feed them mealworms. I'm am trying to get some but for now I'm feeding them crickets and they don't seem to eat them. What else could I feed them
Crickets (of appropriate sizes...) various species of roaches, superworms, phoenix/repti/calciworms, hornworms (again, of appropriate size - they grow fast!), silkworms ... If it's moving, they may have a go at eating it. (With the calci-worms, my gang don't so much go for the worms themselves, but as soon as the worms turn into flies and lift off - bango!)

Also, if you've just gotten them, give them a bit to settle in. They may be a little overawed at all the newness around them.

Well, first of all, we need to know how old he is.

If he is 2-5 months old, I would really just stick to crickets and very small dubia nymphs with occasional mealworms. When he gets older, mix it up with roaches, hornworms, silkworms, butterworms, crickets, superworms, etc.
Mine was the same way when I first got him, he was about a year old when I got him (but I've only had him for 3 months now) and he was dead set on only crickets. He didn't know what a hornworm was. Then he suddenly ate one, and it's his favorite feeder! It just takes some time and patience :) keep offering and he/she might surprise you :)
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