First Chameleon setup, Arrives in the AM


New Member
So I'm getting my first Cham in the AM, FedEx. Always wanted one, now that I've got kids of my own here we go! :D

Exciting ! What lights are you using and do you have a mister ? Also do you know the correct suplimentation schedule for your chamelon he's beautiful by the way
Exciting ! What lights are you using and do you have a mister ? Also do you know the correct suplimentation schedule for your chamelon he's beautiful by the way

Powersun 100W MV UVB lamp and a pressurized bottle is what I'm using.

I intend on using miner-all indoor. Gut loaded Roaches/Dubias will consist of the majority of his diet. I have a colony coming shortly.
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You will also want to get Miner-all outdoor which doesn't contain D3. The outdoor will be your daily dusting and the indoor should be used a couple of times a month.

You will also want to get Miner-all outdoor which doesn't contain D3. The outdoor will be your daily dusting and the indoor should be used a couple of times a month.


Cool, thanks. I bought Exo-Terra multivitamin for a monthly dosage.
Basking Site temp on top.

Is 40% Ambient room RH OK? . It's around 55% in the canopy. Near the soil in the plant base it's around 68%

So my temps may have been a little bit high. However he was hanging out on the screen under the bulb for a short bit. I decided to raise the lamp which lowered my basking temp.

Here he is fresh out of the deli container.


And I pissed him off he was sleeping, lol


I set him in his cage to calm down


And he's chill. I'll get more photos as he warms up to his new home, and my 4 & 2 year olds.

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