Finally gravid!


Established Member
So I had my female in the cage with my male veiled about 4 days ago. She seemed receptive even though she was very round... Yesterday I put her in and she turned gravid colors! She's definitely got a very noticeable pooch near her vent and looks really close to laying to me. I find it odd that she was still mating when she was gravid. Any thoughts on the subject?
She was also pacing the bottom of her cage, but I have a box of Eco earth ready for her to lay in that she just ignores... Could it be that she's picky enough on her lay medium to risk being egg bound?


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Just get a bucket or tub of sand, make it wet, but not completely muddy, and put it next to a tree or branch near the bottom in a corner away from the light and let her go to down. It needs to be wet enough that when she digs a hole the hole stays intact but not wet enough that her feet get stuck in it like quicksand.
Just get a bucket or tub of sand, make it wet, but not completely muddy, and put it next to a tree or branch near the bottom in a corner away from the light and let her go to down. It needs to be wet enough that when she digs a hole the hole stays intact but not wet enough that her feet get stuck in it like quicksand.

Sand for sure, Ive tried a few others but find sand is perfect. I keep it in the females cage year round. I just think it helps that she is used to it being there. Congrats on the future eggs!
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