Final Preparations for Leo


Established Member
Hello again! I'm making final preparations for Leonardo and I wanted to check with the experts before I bring little Leo home. I've attached photos of my final set up. I bought another live plant and hung up the vine I bought a while ago. As suggested, I used zip ties to hang a shower curtain around three sides of Leonardo's cage to help control the humidity. I'm currently using a dripper and will be hand misting throughout the day. I bought a utility sink from Menards and drilled the bottom of the cage to the top of the sink to secure it. The intention with the utility sink was to create a drainage system that wasn't overly expensive (so far so good!) and as a bonus it added some height to the enclosure. The lights are on a 12 hour on/12 hour off timer and as of 10:00 this morning (the lights go on at 5:00) the temperature was just below 80F and the humidity was a little over 40%. I filled the dripper and misted the plants briefly (30 seconds) around 4:00 yesterday afternoon and then I left for the evening. So, in my untrained opinion, my final set up is retaining humidity better than the original set up was. I figure with more misting throughout the day I'll be able to bump the humidity up to 70% after a misting session. So I guess I'm asking for people to review the information I've provided and the photos I've posted and offer advice and/or feedback. I know there's not a lot of foliage near the top of the cage but my hope is that the plants will grow with Leonardo, filling his space when he's bigger and needs the space more.


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Definitely need to get some more usable space up top. If your chameleon doesn't have that it will likely be climbing the screen all day and never have a place to feel comfortable in the enclosure. Even if you used an artificial plant for now just until the others grow, because it will take some time for that to happen. A nice pothos hanging from the top would be even better. It will hold the moisture from misting better and provide great leaves for cover.
You need LOTS more branches, vines, and plants (real or fake) everywhere in the middle and top of the enclosure!!! It’s essential for basking/digestion and uvb absorption!
Definitely need to get some more usable space up top. If your chameleon doesn't have that it will likely be climbing the screen all day and never have a place to feel comfortable in the enclosure. Even if you used an artificial plant for now just until the others grow, because it will take some time for that to happen. A nice pothos hanging from the top would be even better. It will hold the moisture from misting better and provide great leaves for cover.
I considered hanging a pothos from the top...but won't the weight of the plant warp the mesh?
Many will use a dowel or something extended across the frame of the enclosure so the weight is not carried by the screen. Then just use some floral wire or even zip ties to suspend it from the top. I would even recommend some heavy test fishing line and just pass it through the mesh so you don't do any damage to the screen.

You could even use a PVC pipe and spray paint it black so it isn't noticeable. Just has to hang over the frame a bit on each side.
Here are some examples I found doing a search on the forums...

I like using two dowels on either side of the light fixture so there is a cleaner look.
I have used bird perches in the past and they worked out really well to create ample basking platforms for my chameleons! I attached them with tooth floss and they held in place for well over a year until I had to disassemble the cages. You can find them at PetSmart for cheap or amazon I’m sure. Much easier than going out and finding branches and sanitizing them. You can also intertwine pothos vines through them or other vines.


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I have used bird perches in the past and they worked out really well to create ample basking platforms for my chameleons! I attached them with tooth floss and they held in place for well over a year until I had to disassemble the cages. You can find them at PetSmart for cheap or amazon I’m sure. Much easier than going out and finding branches and sanitizing them. You can also intertwine pothos vines through them or other vines.
I actually considered this! Glad to know it works!
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