Feeding Tomato Hornworms


I recently picked up breeding Hornworms again and had about 20 moths that I am breeding.
Now I have about 1 million eggs some of which remained on the cage/on the plant

I know I cannot feed them to my chameleon- but I was wondering if I could use those worms to continue breeding?
Could my chameleon eat the next generation of worms or will they also be toxic?
Perfect I honestly got tired of pulling eggs off of the cage and the plant- but I know those worms are going to eat the plant- so I figured I can use those to continue to breed and once they lay eggs I can feed those off
I got this same kinda situation.... I will soon have about a zillion eggs. I wont know what to do with all of them. Way too many. I would give them away for free just so some others chameleons can eat good.
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