Feeding mealworms, superworms, butterworms and wax


New Member
How does everyone feed their chameleons these worms? I need ideas because this is my first chameleon ever, which is a Jackson's and I'm trying to figure out methods to feed him well
there are feeding cups
(diy kind)i try to feed those
type by hand to develop some trust
with my creatures. if they associate the hand
with good stuff. like food it makes cage cleaning easier
The feeder cup can be found using the search button. You can also hang worms on the screen near the cham.
How does everyone feed their chameleons these worms? I need ideas because this is my first chameleon ever, which is a Jackson's and I'm trying to figure out methods to feed him well

I put mealworms in a bowl
I put butterworms on the vines and branches
superworms either on vines (if I know the cham will eat them quickly) or in bowls
wax worms are poor feeder choice, so I dont use them
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