Feeding anole's to large chameleons?

*got a large coke and popcorn ready* :)

Transmission of internal parasites is a possibility, Unless you buy CB (captive bred) anoles from somewhere and worm them first. That would be a rather infrequent food source in the wild and then only for chams big enough to consider them prey.
If you do feed an anole once in a blue moon, ensure adequate basking temps (its a huge meal) and dont feed anything else for a week.
I know you are asking out of curiosity, but expect an entertaining thread!
Best wishes :)
Eisentrauti, I noticed in the thread that you posted a link to, "anoles as a feeder" you mention that locusts are forbidden in America, do you mean grasshoppers (some wholesalers and suppliers lable locusts as hoppers sometimes) or are locusts forbidden? if so why?
Personally, I wouldn't do it. I don't like the thought of them eating another lizard and then there's the risk of parasites.
I strongly agree with the parasite thing with anoles. In my opinion you would be better off catching wild anoles yourself just because i have seen how pet shops care for 4$ lizards. I would be willing to bet that what ever parasites they harbor would really thrive in the poor husbandry practices of pet shops. I have a question would freezing the anoles for say 6 weeks destroy the internal parasites or would they just remain dormant ?
I'm quite sure that their eggs can rest longer. My advice for everybody who thinks it's necessary to feed reptiles to reptils: Start breeding calyptratus with a 1.3 group. Sounds scary for calyptratus keepers but that's one of the easiest ways to get healthy feeders
Aren't all those spikes a bit too dangerous for the mouths ? I never kept those guys and don't know how stable those things are
I doubt it Benny, beardy spikes are very soft in hatchlings & juvies.
Dont you guys have species of small common garden skinks in the US? Raising some of those for herp feeding species should be easy enough and since captive, parasite issues should be controlable.

Ciafardo, whats the difference? subjective perception?
I would think freezing for 6 weeks might take care of most of them, provided it was deep freeze, but then your having to thaw frozen lizards. I would think most movement orientated hunters might ignore a dead anole, unless you wave it about a bit! :)
WOW i suprised this is still a peaceful thread, my opinion is already clearly stated in anoles as feeders that benny posted. I dont think Im going to rall anything up by stating it AGAIN!!!:D:p
I catch anoles all the time and sometimes prego females, Im sure Titan would love an anole once in a blue moon....would a baby born from a wild female still have a chance of having parasites?
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