Ever catch yourself....


New Member
Ever catch yourself having a conversation with your lizards? I am talking full on conversation with something that cant reply here. I just looked at my male and said "your fat, you really need to cut back on the roaches man. Ya ya ya I know I'm the one the gives them to you, I should not have bought those horned worms. Your still a porker though" and then I felt bad for calling him fat. I think I'm strange. Am I alone in this?
I sorta do, but I say things like, "Dude, you cant climb that.... you cant climb that! Damn it Goggles your not gonna make i........ ugh.... I told you, yea I know it hurt, next time listen to me!"
I have in depth philosophical discussions with my toaster on occasion, but talking to a lizard? Pfft, you're nuts! :D
Cain you have a Fischer's right?

I had a pair 2 summers ago. Sold them to a friend. Had Dwarf Fischers until last summer. Hatched 3 clutches last year and had a captive hatched male I kept from 2 years ago. Sold those to other keepers. One day when I have the room for every species I want Ill have some again. Awesome species and totally underrated!!
Ha,ha, ha I have full conversations with Gizzy all the time :eek: I can talk to her about her anything and she can`t tell a soul :D
What A torture, A living Diary! Shame on you! Nothing like a captive audience eh?
Forced to harbour all your secrets and not be able to gossip. :D
Just today I was guilty of sternly reprimanding Charlotte for doing something naughty :D And they have no ears, so they could care less. But I was still like "Bad Charlotte, I'm very dissapointed in you. Bad!" And I usually talk to them when I'm messing around in their room or with them. So, yep, guilty lol
Thankyou Sixstring! :)
I dont normally chat with my chams but I do voice my thoughts out loud, as if they were listening, or cared. lol :)
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Just today I was guilty of sternly reprimanding Charlotte for doing something naughty :D And they have no ears, so they could care less. But I was still like "Bad Charlotte, I'm very dissapointed in you. Bad!" And I usually talk to them when I'm messing around in their room or with them. So, yep, guilty lol

I've read conflicting info on thier ears (or lack of) some site/wiki thing said they do have very small holes (ears) but are mostly deaf only. yet I can't see the "holes" and otheres have said they have no ear yet still likely sense vibrations.

regaurdless maybe they can lip read? either way I'd still talk to them, I talk to people (in other cars) while driving (the light is green dummy GO!)
heheheh.....<actually lol'ing>

um...i pretty much have conversations and dialogue with anything and everything living in my house. lol. our 2 cats, our 2 dogs....the 9 chameleons....didn't really talk to the fish too much when we had them, but otherwise...fair game....

but then again, i sometimes carry on conversations with myself too, so i'm probly just one short step away from being one of the patients vs. one of the workers in the loony bin! ;):rolleyes::eek::D
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