Enclosure Fountain Debate

Yeah that or how about the critter keepers that have a pic of a big gravid female veiled on the side. The label says critter keeper and a chameleon is a kritter so it MUST be the proper habitat. Now all i need is coco husk, water bowl, and a fake plant and WHAM i got me a chameleon habitat. :rolleyes:

HAHAHA :D:D:D that is so true .
Simply put... if you're willing to take a straw and dip into the 'filtered' water from the waterfall and take a sip every once in awhile... I don't see the harm... now if you're not willing to take a drink... why subject your chameleons to water you would find unfit for yourself to drink?

Wow and i though i was crazy, i use that rule alot, i dont use a fountain though
I think that "waterfalls" belong in the same thought class as "my chameleon needs a friend". Kudos to all who put simple logic ahead of aesthetics.
Oh yeah the waterfall guys want you to buy it. On the box there is a picture of a Chameleon Chillin on it. HAHAHA:D

I started to learn if it has a picture of a chameleon on it it probably isn't good for chameleons. Seriously! has any one else noticed that.
That erks me too:mad:
I have noticed it, has anyone tried writing to Hagan (Exo-Terra) to ask them to remove the cham from their box? I just did...lets see what they have to say...I basically quoted their website ("Exo Terra is committed to responsible animal ownership.") and asked them to do the "Responsible" thing and just remove that picture!
I have the large exo-terra waterfall in my cham's enclosure and so far I have no serious problem with it. The fact is, I have it in there mostly for humidity and aesthetic reasons and I haven't ever seen my Dino drink from it. He does not poo in there and I always watch him until he eats all live food I give him, so there are no drawning crickets either. Even with no "direct" source of organic waste I found I have to use exo-terra Biotize water conditioner to keep the waterfall surface without the snoozy film that appeared after a day or two. What is also necessary is the regular cleaning of the waterfall. I do it on weekly basis with natural cleansing lotion and hot water.
i have the large exo-terra waterfall in my cham's enclosure and so far i have no serious problem with it. The fact is, i have it in there mostly for humidity and aesthetic reasons and i haven't ever seen my dino drink from it. He does not poo in there and i always watch him until he eats all live food i give him, so there are no drawning crickets either. Even with no "direct" source of organic waste i found i have to use exo-terra biotize water conditioner to keep the waterfall surface without the snoozy film that appeared after a day or two. What is also necessary is the regular cleaning of the waterfall. I do it on weekly basis with natural cleansing lotion and hot water.
no offense but your askin for trouble!:(
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