Do Chameleons Dream?


New Member
I was just curious....I know lots of other animals dream but have never really done extensive research on whether people have proven any type of reptiles to dream as well...In my opinion i think they do. Does anyone else have any insight on this or experiences with believing that their chameleons are dreaming?
Yes, I've actually infiltrated my Cham's dream once and planted an idea in his head. Now he eats vegetable thinking that they are insects.
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It's very possible.

"The oldest part of the brain, shared by all vertebrates, is the brain stem. In 1977, Allan Hobson and R McCarley discovered that electrochemical pulses from the brain stem create the stage of sleep in which most dreams occur."

Has anyone noticed their chameleon exhibiting signs of R.E.M. while they sleep?
thats why i posted it!!!!! ^ my male veiled was having some crazy R.E.M during his sleep, and he's healthy as can be! My female's pregnant and just bitchy so i dont think she's really dreaming if she is she's probably dreaming of the day those damn eggs get laid lol
thats why i posted it!!!!! ^ my male veiled was having some crazy R.E.M during his sleep, and he's healthy as can be! My female's pregnant and just bitchy so i dont think she's really dreaming if she is she's probably dreaming of the day those damn eggs get laid lol

Very interesting, it seems highly likely that all invertebrates dream.
Read the article on page 32 of this PDF:

It sounds like Reptiles do have a REM like sleep state but the brainwaves measured are not similar to birds and mammals. I don't think this specifically answers the question but at the very least could get you closer to making a moderately educated guess.

After reading it and a few other little articles my guess is that they do dream in a rudimentary manner that is likely not similar to what we consider dreaming.

I suggest using the magic of Google and reading around. There is a TON of sleep research out there and some of it relates to reptiles as they have a less complex brain structure that makes it easier to understand.

If you do google around you will get hits from a lot of pseudo science sites talking about reptilian aliens and dream interpretation. While these are fun try not to use them as facts...
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