So I have a 11 month old female veiled chameleon. She is very active! Yesterday she was completely normal, walking around normally, she ate 4 meal worms, and pooped, and she drank water. Then today when I woke up, I turned on her lights and went downstairs, an hour later came back up to turn on her cage mister and she was hanging from a branch at the bottom of her exclosure with her eyes closed so I picked her up and placed her in her normal bathing spot where she sits everyday. As I was watching her I noticed that she could not really hold her self up right so I picked her up and was looking to see if I could physically see anything wrong with her. As I was holding her, she just laid there with her mouth open, not making any noise and it was almost as if bubbles were forming in her mouth. So I gave her to my sister while I tried to call my vet to find out where I could take her around my house to be examined, unfortunately when I got off the phone it was too late. She was laying there, not moving or breathing she was cold and dark in coloration. The odd thing though, her tongue kept like moving and sticking out, just her tongue! it did it about 5 times until it finally stopped and just slightly hung out of her mouth. Sadly I believe she is officially dead. I just wanted to know if any one has had this problem because she was showing no signs of being ill, except for today and she died instantly within a half hour of her symptoms!