Dehydration/mouth rot?

I'm sorry...I don't know what the exact cause of it would need the vet for that.
All I can do is point out changes to your husbandry...some of which might be part of the reason...but there are things I don't know/can'tt know because I'm not a vet.
Thank you. I plan on calling the vet tomorrow. I’m just low on money and unsure the cost to have him checked out. Do you know an estimated price?
Here, a vet consult cost about $75 Canadian (so probably $10,000 usd...just jokes). Antibiotics will probably be another $50.
Thank you. I plan on calling the vet tomorrow. I’m just low on money and unsure the cost to have him checked out. Do you know an estimated price?
Depending, between 100 and 800 (if you run test, xray, etc) I guess more you wait more it will cost (well.. if he died this will cost you nothing)
Do you know why this could have happen? I feel so bad to know I failed to care for him correctly and hope there is still time to save him..
f you don't fill the how to ask for help form we can't help you.. his condition is related to the husbandry (don't want to be rude.. but what do you want from us? I will stop answering till you fill this form (you got the link on your other post)
f you don't fill the how to ask for help form we can't help you.. his condition is related to the husbandry (don't want to be rude.. but what do you want from us? I will stop answering till you fill this form (you got the link on your other post)
My apologies, I thought i already did fill it out. I typed all of the info before stating the problem.
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