Cricket Invasion.. HELP!


New Member
Okay, so long story short, I tripped and a cricket keeper of like 100 crickets exploded, so now there are crickets ALL over my apartment and I have one very unhappy roomie! (A human roomie, not a cham. My cham is very happy with her new free-range hunting duty)

Anyways, besides letting Ez loose for a little while to hunt, what are some methods for catching crickets? Have any of you ever had this problem? I've probably caught 20 today, but I can literally HEAR them crawling in my room.. Has anyone tried any traps that work? I've looked on google but can't seem to find anything good.

Thank you so much for your help!!
Vacum cleaner, thats the best advice I can give you. Well at least you're still alive, my wife would have killed me.
Cats work well :) Loose crickets don't stand a chance in my house. I have 4, but one cat should do the trick :p
Just 100 cricks isnt too bad.
I probably have that many running around the house all the time :rolleyes:

Get out the old vacuum cleaner and pull all the furniture away from the walls, remembering they like warm places, so pull your fridge out and vacuum there too.
There are glue traps that you lay on the floor next to walls. They stick and can't get off. I have those effin cave crickets in my utility room and they work great.

If this ever happened to me, my wife would hang me LOL :eek:
It's happened to me... the hubby took it in better humor than I expected.

The vacuum cleaner is now your best friend. If you have a dust buster (handheld vac), they work great for sudden cricket appearances. It sucks (pun!) to kill perfectly good crickets, but I didn't have the patience to try to recapture them alive.

Just remind your roommate that they won't hurt anything - they are just annoying!
There are glue traps that you lay on the floor next to walls. They stick and can't get off. I have those effin cave crickets in my utility room and they work great.

If this ever happened to me, my wife would hang me LOL :eek:

this is a great plan. We have a mouse problem in the winter and use sticky traps in our utility room as well and the crickets always find their way to this pad. If you put some peanut butter or something they like to eat, they will find it pretty easily.

Cats work great as well or a vacuum is the safest bet if you are impatient.
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