Cricket Crack?



What is cricket crack? I have seen a few people mention it but I am not sure if it is something addicting to crickets? If it is then it must be real good for Reptiles?
Made by Steve Sims. Its an all natural mix of fresh grains & 22 other items. Best gutload Ive ever used. If your not using it you should. You'll see the diff in your feeders & your chams....;)
Thanks for the feedback everyone:D I have ordered my Cricket Crack from Steve!!
I started putting mealworms/superworms straight in a container of crack for 3 days before feeding. They seem to eat it up...definetly makes mealworms a little better feeder.

My roach colony also eats it up like crazy.
Good idea Ive never tried using crack for a super gutload. I know my roaches eat it like crazy also. I had to cut them back they were eatting all my crack up. (crack fiends) So they are on fruits and veggies for the next week or so.
Does this stuff actually cause them to feed more "the feeders" I have made my own gut load from a recipe I found on here someplace and I see my feeders eat it but they don’t swarm to it just wondering if I should mix this Crack into my gut load ? Or if there is something in it that attracts the feeders more than just a bunch of blended vegies and fruit that I could add to my gut load.
My feeders go nuts when I toss in fresh cricket crack. I have an amazing wet gut load I use too but they will ignore it until most of the goodies in the crack are gone.
I use Monster Cricket Diet made by Zeigler Bros. Its the cricket chow used by Dr.Gary Ferguson and many other creditable people. Highly recommended for chams. I also use fresh bee pollen on a regular basis. A combo of the two make the ultimate gutload. (along with kale and citrus) Im not sure about this cricket crack. I wouldnt feed my insects some jazz made by some dude. But hey I dont know anything about it.....
And just because crickets destroy the stuff quickly, doesnt mean its the best gutload. Food for Thought!
LMAO, I don’t use some commercial product used by nobody that I know of and recommended by nobody. I do however use a proven product used by myself and many other people who breed reptiles other than chameleons some of which I consider to be the best in the industry, it is also a product that is used by zoos, and is made from a source that I trust with my entire colony. I trust that guy more than some large company “the man”. Just some food for thought…

I use Monster Cricket Diet made by Zeigler Bros. Its the cricket chow used by Dr.Gary Ferguson and many other creditable people. Highly recommended for chams. I also use fresh bee pollen on a regular basis. A combo of the two make the ultimate gutload. (along with kale and citrus) Im not sure about this cricket crack. I wouldnt feed my insects some jazz made by some dude. But hey I dont know anything about it.....
And just because crickets destroy the stuff quickly, doesnt mean its the best gutload. Food for Thought!
So lab test mean nothing to you? Have you ever heard of Dr.Ferguson? This product is used by zoos all over the world. And isnt this a chameleon forum? Shouldnt I recommend a product that works well for chameleons? And I have used this product to gut load insects that were feed to other herps and continue to do so. Chad I may be a "nobody" but im am not new to the reptile game.
Just because I called you out, doesnt mean you should get all huffy and puffy on me.
Nobody is getting huffy nor puffy. Just stating my opinion as you did… I have heard of, met and know Dr. Ferguson he is at many shows that we attend. Also, just because a zoo uses something means squat; I have been into several herp labs across the country and some of the things they do are a joke; then again some are freeking awesome. So “the zoo has it so it must be awesome” thought is not good enough. I have never personally seen this product in use, just on the shelf at PetCo, does that mean it’s not a quality product? Nope. Am I saying that CC is better? Nope. May it be the best thing EVER? Sure. Do I know anybody that uses it? Nope. Do I know people who I trust and learn from that use CC it? Sure. Is having other quality options other than CC a bad thing? Nope.

Now unless you know somebody whom I trust that can vouch for you saying that you are an authority on gutloading, reptile nutrition, or enough experience that I should listen to you then I doubt I will be changing any time soon, no matter how long you have been around…

Have I spent way too much time on this? Hellz yea!
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