couple questions


New Member
Since I am still learning I have a couple questions. My cham looks and acts happy and healthy. However tonight he decided to sleep on the ground. Do they do this? Also how often do young chams shed?

Thanks :)
It is not often that they will sleep on the ground. I personally have never seen my chameleon do this, but I think there have been other members who have posted that before. You do not have a light on at night at the top of the cage at night or anything do you that would cause him to want to go to the bottom? As long as it is night time, it is ok, but it is unusual. As long as it is not in the day time as I am sure you know they do not sleep during the day. A far as shedding, babies shed pretty often, anywhere from every couple of weeks to once a month or so and as they get older it will become less and less and then they more or less shed in party parts.
Ok, this is the first time he has slept on the ground. No lights on at all. Good to know about shedding. He shedded when I first brought him home and it looks like he is starting again after only 2 weeks. Thanks
I had one who would sleep on the floor after any major change (new cage, new plant, new room). So, I don't think it's a big issue if it's a one time or short term thing. If it's happening after a couple of days I'd consider it cause to visit the vet.
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