

New Member
I wasn't sure where to post this And this might seem like a fairly simple question but I don't know and I'm sure someone else does!

How do you now how your chameleon is feeling based on his or her colours?

I have a 2-3 months old male veiled chameleon, sometimes he is light green, other times he is a bit brighter, then he will get dark green And sometimes even light green with dark patches.

What colours can male veiled chameleons get and when do they start to get those colours?

I'm new to owning a chameleon and have found this forum and the people on it so helpful! So thank you so much! I felt I researched so much, for such a long time and now that I have this little guy home I'm feeling nervous for him all the time!

Any help or advice is always welcome, thanks again!
Hi there! Basically bright = happy. dark = stressed/unhappy/basically not good.
Veileds can have many colours depending on their sire, turquoise/yellow/orange are a few of them. There's even translucent and pied ones out there. Hope this answers your questions!
Hannah04, I am sure you will be a good caretaker for your chameleon because you care enough to keep learning and asking questions.

You might find this Veiled caresheet helpful:

This one has answers to FAQS:

In addition to what has already been said by Ahtee
Compared to their normal colors, chameleons are lighter colored when they sleep and can become lighter when they are too hot.
They can become darker when they need to warm up.

This thread has some more info:

As for when the adult colors come in, it varies from around 4 months to 7 months.
Although dark colors typically mean stress, this isn't the case if the cham is sitting up under the light basking. This confused me when I first got my panther and it scared me because he would turn dark colors while basking, but it was him taking in the heat. As soon as he moved, he brightened back up. :)
They can also be brightly colored if they are stressed or scared. I know, now I got you really confused right?!
Not always

Hi there! Basically bright = happy. dark = stressed/unhappy/basically not good.
Veileds can have many colours depending on their sire, turquoise/yellow/orange are a few of them. There's even translucent and pied ones out there. Hope this answers your questions!

Sometimes they are dark because they are cold or trying to soak up more sun light.
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