Coincidence or great memory?


Avid Member
I used to hand water my "friendly" sambava male in addition to other water sources. I would use a pipet or syringe. He was very very willing to drink and would always immediately open his mouth and stick his tongue out so I could drip water on it. Well, I stopped doing that around September of last year. This morning I tried giving him some extra water and he remembered (I think..) He opened his mouth as soon as he saw the plastic thing coming. He even took a few steps to meet the pipet before I could get it to him. (BTW, he wasn't super enthusiastic because he doesn't get enough water. He has always just been a heavy drinker and would drink too much water some times. Always has pearly white urates.)

Any comments?
I do the same thing with my chams, sometimes they drink eagerly and sometimes they just ignore me. I like to do it just to make sure they're getting enough water.
i just did that this morning with my chams..they go straight for it every morn.. and i think they do like beeing spoiled.. :D
He's an attention wh*re. :) Plus he's little so he's cuter.

I just think it's surprising how he still remembered the pipet after more than half a year had passed.
Cool observation. I have to say they do become very accustomed to routine and/or visual cues. It's funny you mentioned this today, because two nights ago, me and my daughter were laughing at a female Veiled I have. She is vicious and does not tolerate a hand approaching her. She will hiss, gape and lunge at the apporoach of my hand. But then if I immediately close my fingers to the position that you would to hold a cricket between your ring finger and thumb, she instantly stops the aggresive behaviour and sticks her tongue out in preparation to fire at a food item. Open up my hand into claw formation- ATTACK!!! Maybe there is more going on in that pea sized brain than thought. Especially if yours remebered the syringe all the way back from September.

Edit: She also tries to fire at my eyeball if I move it around spasticly!
He has done the eyeball thing if I dont get the food to him fast enough. He will also steal other chameleons food if I have them outside in the bushes/trees. He'll snatch the food right out of my fingers regardless of if I am offering it to him or not.
Well, I think it's too much. He would sit there with his head tilted straight up for forever.
I know its normal, but I also know what is normal for him. And he does not normally hold his head up for such long periods of time. It's usually only after he's sat with his mouth open in front of the mister or dripper (which he only rarely does.)
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