Coco Blocks 🥥


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So I keep orchid mantis as well as a veiled chameleon, my mantis enclosures have coco blocks hydrated for their ‘bedding’ since I have so much of this on hand all the time is it possible to use this along with sand in my veiled’s lay bin? Or does it have to be organic mud? This is currently what I use for my mantids
I know this is spider substrate, could this be of any use? Only because a majority of the ‘organic’ soil we have in our garden centres have so,e sort of additives ( some sort of pesticide thing, unsure of the name ) so I feel like I could be limited with this
I have used a playsand produced by kings for years...even if th chameleon eats it, gets it in its eyes, etc it has never caused a problem. I have never used anything else since I started using the playsand. I don't change what works.
The problem with a lot of different substrates like coco coir is that they are too loose and unable to form a tunnel. I’ve added just a bit of plain organic garden soil to my bins in the past so that I could put a plant in it, but plain play sand works best and my girls seem to prefer it.
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