Hey all,
I have posted multiple times on Clark's eye issue and was referred to showers and terramycin. Well, Clark *HATES* water (he closes both eyes and runs blindly, falling as a result quite often), but the Terramycin has worked.
However, his issue seems to come back and the other night while he was sleeping I noticed his eye wasn't closed "right". I snapped a ton of pics so hopefully someone can guide me better....
This issue comes and goes but has been present since I got him. See pics. Included one for fun
EDIT: Compare the size of his right eye (problem eye) to his left eye in the first photo below! The right eye is clearly substantially swollen!
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male ambilobe, had him since end of january (roughly 5 months old)
Handling - not often, maybe 1-2 times a week
Feeding - I offer him 10-15 crickets, he usually eats about 5-8 a day
Supplements - Calc daily; calc+d3 / multi vita on alternating sundays (2x a month each)
Watering - I hand mist multiple times a day (4xish). I see him drinking but not often. He hates water and usually just closes his eyes and runs....
Fecal Description - Haven't seen a stool in awhile (like 2 weeks?) generally ok although slightly yellow tinge to the urate the last time (so i reacted by misting him more often)
History - Had this eye thing on / off since I got him
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Free-range, pic attached
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0, heat bulb
Temperature - basking 85-88, ambient 72; night time drops to about 65
Humidity - vary alot, i can never get my digital monitor to read it but when it does its usually hovering around the 50% mark (when i am NOT misting)
Plants - Hibiscus, Ficus, Pothos, Money tree
Placement - Next to my computer on top of a cat tree (elevated) and next to the window outside
Location - Southern California
I have posted multiple times on Clark's eye issue and was referred to showers and terramycin. Well, Clark *HATES* water (he closes both eyes and runs blindly, falling as a result quite often), but the Terramycin has worked.
However, his issue seems to come back and the other night while he was sleeping I noticed his eye wasn't closed "right". I snapped a ton of pics so hopefully someone can guide me better....
This issue comes and goes but has been present since I got him. See pics. Included one for fun
EDIT: Compare the size of his right eye (problem eye) to his left eye in the first photo below! The right eye is clearly substantially swollen!
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male ambilobe, had him since end of january (roughly 5 months old)
Handling - not often, maybe 1-2 times a week
Feeding - I offer him 10-15 crickets, he usually eats about 5-8 a day
Supplements - Calc daily; calc+d3 / multi vita on alternating sundays (2x a month each)
Watering - I hand mist multiple times a day (4xish). I see him drinking but not often. He hates water and usually just closes his eyes and runs....
Fecal Description - Haven't seen a stool in awhile (like 2 weeks?) generally ok although slightly yellow tinge to the urate the last time (so i reacted by misting him more often)
History - Had this eye thing on / off since I got him
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Free-range, pic attached
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0, heat bulb
Temperature - basking 85-88, ambient 72; night time drops to about 65
Humidity - vary alot, i can never get my digital monitor to read it but when it does its usually hovering around the 50% mark (when i am NOT misting)
Plants - Hibiscus, Ficus, Pothos, Money tree
Placement - Next to my computer on top of a cat tree (elevated) and next to the window outside
Location - Southern California