Chameleons make me paranoid !!!!!!


Established Member
I don't know about anyone else but keeping cham's makes me a paranoid person all the sudden....I find myself waking up worried....Did they poop? what color was it? are they eating? what color are they today? how's my humidity? Am I misting enough ? to much? .....I almost feel like knowing to much can make things worse lol. Well anyway this was just a rant and I was just curious to see if anyone else sees their stress levels getting higher ? :D
Welcome to the wonderful world of chameleon keeping! Permanent worry is the baseline state for most keepers. It's doesn't get better either. :D
My sisters and mom call me a worry some mother by the way I'm always stressing over my panther. He is my first cham, so of course I'm worry some! but every now and then, you kinda just have to tell yourself "what will be, will be" and look at everything that is going right ;):rolleyes:
Of course, never ignore something that bothers you or looks wrong, but don't completely stress over and just solve the problem!:D
haha, stress and worry comes with the hobby i guess. That's why Chameleon Forums exist, to help lower those stress levels hehehe.
I think you always worry about the first one after that you don't obsess over everything. I obsessed over my first bearded dragon for a year once I got the second one I didn't worry so much. Now when we got our veiled my boyfriend is the one that is obsessing over everything and I am just sitting back and letting him!
i so totally related to your rant... i have been stressing over my new little friend since i brought him home.... but you know i decided that since i know i am keeping current wth all the information on proper keeping, i will stop stressing and i say a prayer over my little friend every morning.... maybe that's silly to some.... but i don't live in fear from the world so why should i live in fear of this?... i look at my little friend every day to make sure he looks healthy, and hydrated and i buy things for him off amazon and other places all the time to make sure i am giving him the best possible habitat and care i can .... so now i am truly enjoying him and watching him grow... he had his first shed on the 17th and i am so proud that's he's on time with growth.. so thanks be to God i am a happy chameleon mom now... lol....
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