Chameleons In Bedroom

Hey! I just wanted to post a thread seeing how many people had
chameleons inside of their bedrooms. When you come in at night do
they wake up when you turn on the lights? Mine usually dont, but if i leave the light on for about twenty mins. they do.

Hey! I just wanted to post a thread seeing how many people had
chameleons inside of their bedrooms. When you come in at night do
they wake up when you turn on the lights? Mine usually dont, but if i leave the light on for about twenty mins. they do.


i do. when i come home, i spend time in other room until i am ready to go to bed.
My cham is a light sleeper that often wake up due to a slight brightness.
I don't have Cy in the bedroom but he is in my office (home) and I often am working past his bedtime. I have a blanket I throw over his cage and take it off when i am finished for the night. If I forget he will wake up in just afew minutes and give me a dirty look :rolleyes: (ok, it just seems that way). My bearded dragon is in the bedroom and I keep a blanket on his tank all night so his lights don't wake ME up in the morning! lol!

If you use the blanket, just be sure to take it off when you turn your lights out for the night.
both my uro and my panther are in my bedroom and both sleep like rocks. My uromastyx would sleep through an earthquake and my panther has only woken up once. That was when I tripped over a box and smashed my face into the table he was on...I am hoping that won't happen again. I know people use the blanket trick with parrots all the time so i can see that it would work well for reptiles aswell! thats a good suggestion.

I would just worry about the fire hazard as there is a very hot heat emitter on 24/7 on my uro. but if i run into trouble with my panther i'll give that a whirl!
ha! lazy. j/k no i am up at 7:30 every morning taking care of my guys. I have considered the blacket, but i was worried the cage movement from taking the blanket off/putting on would wake them.
You guys crack me up. Do you take this much effort in making sure you or your spouse get a good night sleep? Hehehe, too funny!
You guys crack me up. Do you take this much effort in making sure you or your spouse get a good night sleep? Hehehe, too funny!

i will if she wake up at the slightest hint of light though :D
when she sleeps, i think she fell into deep slumber.
It took more effort waking her up than my chameleon hehehehe.
I have a room that is the "Reptile Room". It has most of my lizards but some are even in my bathroom!! Not like near the Toilet but like in between two sinks. :D:D
I would just worry about the fire hazard as there is a very hot heat emitter on 24/7 on my uro. but if i run into trouble with my panther i'll give that a whirl!

Cy sleeps heavier once it's later in the night. If I go into the room late and flip on the light for a few minutes he's OK but in the first couple hours he wakes up easily so I use the blanket.

Yes, there have been a couple times when I have forgotten the blanket on his cage and it is fleece (very flammable(!)) and since his 100w basking light sits right on top it is risky, but since I am right here and catch it early (don't sleep all that late :p - ah, the joys of working at home) it's been fine. Darwin's light is more in the tank and he sleeps later, too. Brumating a bit these days.

Yes, just call me considerate - spouse, boyfriend? tossed them out a while back. Animals and insects are so much easier to reason with :D
i have my young male veiled in my room and i turn the lights on for a couple min at most and he sleeps right thru it, heck hell sleep before i remember to turn the uvb light off
i have my chams in my bedroom and my veiled wakes up after about 10 minutes with the lights on but my little brevs won't wake up for anything!
mine is also in my bedroom. the funny thing is i have my turtle tank right next to his cage and his favorite spot to sleep is in the branch that is slightly slanted upward from the turtle tanks plane (it makes since to me, but it might be because i can see it) and he faces the tank when he sleeps. i dont have a timer for that tank yet but he doesnt wake up what so ever. if i walk in the room and turn on the light to see where i left my step ladder (chair) so i dont stub my toe and to where my clean and dirty pile of clothes are, along with my girlfriends crap she throws everywhere then he wakes up. he is a light sleeper. sometimes my girlfriend turns on the light to do something and i tell her to turn it out and shes always like oh yea! sorry NC! and blows him a kiss... i dont think he likes her.

and yes i know what you mean when he looks at you meanly. mines like what are you doing? im sleeping here!
My molly is such a heavy sleeper i can knock the cage without her knowing it's kind of cute. She is the one who wakes me up in the morning thou. Her lights and humidifier turn on and its so bright i have to get up! I think it may have an effect on my biological cycle because the lights are suppose to simulate UVA/UVB light and as humans we are programmed to wake up when the sun rises.
yeah, my veiled is a heavy sleeper as well. Once he's in his sleeping mode, basically nothing can wake him up. I am serious. There was this time I had to move his tank to another spot, cleaning the tank, and switched a new plants for him, and he just slept right thru it! It was funny but quite freaky tho -_-"
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