Hi, I've had Charlie for 2 years and some months. He always uses his tongue during feeding. I use the cup method where I put his crickets in a cup with used calcium and he'll normally shoot his tongue out to eat them. Today he hasn't been using his tongue to his full length, instead he'll eat his crickets when it's close to his mouth and slowly pull them in.
Is this normal or should I be considered that he injured his tongue? What steps should I take?
He's currently shedding and is acting like his normal self. (basking on his branch & staying high in his cage)
Someone please let me know what they think is going on.
He is drinking & eating normally. Just not expanding his tongue to eat.
Thank you
Is this normal or should I be considered that he injured his tongue? What steps should I take?
He's currently shedding and is acting like his normal self. (basking on his branch & staying high in his cage)
Someone please let me know what they think is going on.
He is drinking & eating normally. Just not expanding his tongue to eat.
Thank you