Chameleon tantrum after falling.


Sat in the lounge last night watching tele. Heard a silent thud. Looked up to see that pascal my pan cham had fallen whilst snoozing. Not asleep. He landed on the soft white permeable membrane that I had laid down ready to take bio active substrate. He had landed on all fours and had only fallen 12 inches if that. He brightened up his colours an was clearly annoyed but totally fine as he walked straight off around his pen. He walked up to the hanging plants he fell from brightened up again and stormed to the corner of the cage and just sat on his back legs looking into the corner with his tail curled and face and arms just pressed into the corner just staring out. By this time his colours started to calm back to a neutral green and he sat there for about 10 minutes.
I swear he was having some kind of chameleon tantrum.
Has anyone else witnessed peculiar behaviour like that.
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No reflections or mirrors? No other animals?
Nope nothing. I have deliberately put him in the corner of the room to stop any interactions like that. He literally just looked into the corner
I have no other pets.
Accept two kids who were in bed long before any of this.
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