Has anyone ever experimented with ways to stimulate their chameleon? I have noticed that mine has begun to pace in its cage much like you would see large animals do in the zoo. I have started opening the cage door and letting my chameleon explore on its own, leaving and returning as it pleases and he seems to enjoy the freedom. I was also wondering about adding a docile lizard to the cage with him. It would be something large enough to not be eaten but small enough to not be threatening and of course it would be similar living requirements. Has any one considered this or something similar? These thoughts are not strictly confined to chameleon keeping, but possibly along the lines of a theoretical hierarchy of needs/wants (if those can be applied to a chameleon). Any ideas are appreciated.
For those with husbandry concerns:
The cage is 48"x36"x24". I have 2 15" UVB bulbs, 1 75W basking light (~95 degrees) and a second 50W halogen for cooler days. I have a habba mist (I know some people think they suck) going every hour and I mist a couple times a day. He is, at best guess, 4.5 months old and 5.5" long (66gm).
For those with husbandry concerns:
The cage is 48"x36"x24". I have 2 15" UVB bulbs, 1 75W basking light (~95 degrees) and a second 50W halogen for cooler days. I have a habba mist (I know some people think they suck) going every hour and I mist a couple times a day. He is, at best guess, 4.5 months old and 5.5" long (66gm).
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