Chameleon People problems

Don't know if this fits but, explaining or showing people your cham to hear them say that so and so they know has one. Only to realize they can be talking about any kind of lizard out there. And they don't really know the difference.

And explaining the whole color changing thing.

"No, no! You're not talking about a chameleon your friend has an iguana...."

"Oh so it can't blend in with a rainbow?"

"No, it's an iguana.. I have a chameleon."

"So YOURS blends in with a rainbow?! Cool I'll bring my tie die shirt next time!"

"No, you don't understand! They can't do that. I never said they could do that, just nevermind. Nevermind."
Lol exactly like that.

Not to mention Randall is a chameleon


Gives people the wrong idea.

Not saying I don't like Monsters Inc.
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