chameleon cage


New Member
I have seen a bunch of screen cages for chams, but my dad says that he does not recommend it, because snakes and a lot of other reptiles rub their faces raw on it. Does this happen with chameleons? thanks
I have my to a panther and a veiled in screen cages and have never had problems with rubbing of the faces or body. My two sisters have chams as well and keep them in screen cages and never have any problems.
this CAN happen a lot with OTHER reptiles. i've seen this on a few seperate occassions with water dragons and iguanas. the problem is, these other reptiles are fast, they like to run, and they will keep running and running even if they arent going anywhere. i've never seen this in a case with a chameleon. their goal is not to run, but climb, and unlike dragons and iguanas, chameleons just may have that extra brain capacity to know when to stop walking and start climbing. either way, you need to provide your chameleon with screen cages, it is the healthiest and safest way to captivate true chameleon species.

btw, AFI is sick, where did they go? :( lol
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