Chamaeleo Senegalensis Information?

Wow, gorgeous animal!!! I don't know, but it sure looks like a little bit of a hemipenal bulge going on there in the second picture.

So Simone shed last week so I thought I would post the dramatic difference in her new look. She's almost a day glow green. I'm still on the look out for a few more to start my project with but patience is certainly a virtue with what I saw at the last reptile show....

At any rate. I think she's entering her 6th month based on the chart that Kristina had posted on the Chameleon News site. Last week she was 10grams and eating roughly 6-8 small 1/2" roaches but suddenly shes increased her intake to astonishing 12-20 food items per day. Shes takes anything I hol in front of her and comes back for more. I'm actually surprised she can fit so much inside of her!

Ok, on with the pics!

You think? I haven't been able to confirm either way just yet though she looked like a she when I bought her. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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