Cham food question

Jeremy l

New Member
If this has already been asked i apologize, so far im feeding my chams gut load crickets and thats it. i would like to feed them the roaches everyone is talking about and even the worms, but i dont know where to get them, or what i have to do to prep the food. any advice would be super.

You should try to use as many feeder insects as you can. Variety is one of the keys to meeting all of your cham's nutritional needs.

Staple feeders (insects that you use most of the time) can include crickets, roaches, locusts/grasshoppers, superworms or silkworms.

Enrichment feeders (insects that you only feed seldomly as treats) can include wax worms, butter worms, mantids, katydids, moths, house flies, etc.

For more information, read:
- Successful Keeping of Veiled Chameleons: Feeders
- Chameleons! Online E-Zine (read the articles under the section called 'Food Items')
- The Chameleon's Dish: Feeder Insects
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