Cap-and-Trade Bill in US Senate :(


Avid Member
Initial disclaimer.....I used to be a Republican. After the last election I became so disgusted with the lack of spine in the majority of the Republican leaders that I dropped my affiliation with that party. I now consider myself an Independent/Fiscal Conservative/Constitutionalist. I will only vote or support politicians who take a strong position on the principles of our US Constitution which mandates a small government footprint, low taxation and minimal government involvement with businesses and our personal lives. I believe that we should make sure that children, the disabled and the elderly receive a certain level of supportive care. But I believe that adults are responsible for their own lives and what they make of that life. What is going on today is the total opposite of what our country was founded on. It is the opposite of what allowed our country to prosper economically and provide financial support to many other countries around the world that depend upon our support. The stimulus spending, bailouts and takeovers since Obama has taken office has all but destroyed our economy. It will take several generations to pay for what has been done in just the first six months of 2009.

Last week the US House passed the Waxman-Markey bill (AKA Cap-and-Trade bill or American Clean Energy and Security Act). It passed quietly while everyone was mourning the passing of Michael Jackson. This bill is now in the Senate. It is the most significant piece of legislation that has EVER been presented. If passed, it will affect every American life for generations to come. Please take the time to research this bill yourself. Read what I have to say about it and then read what the economists and others say about this bill and it's future effect on the US economy. Decide for yourself if you like what is in this bill and what impact it might have on your life. The politicians pushing this bill are leaving huge chunks of information about it out of the public arena. When it passed the US House nobody except committee members had looked at the bill. They said it was not even complete. Republicans were not allowed to get near it. Republicans where given a small section of the thing to look at a day or two before the vote. The things that are known about this bill are extremely alarming to me. I can only wonder what other alarming items are in the majority of the bill which very few have actually seen.

I have made the study of our economy (and the global economy) and legislative issues a major hobby. I have a major business/economic background through my work experiences as a CPA. I spend hours a day studying the economy and legislative issues that effect it. This particular bill is the scariest thing I have ever seen being contemplated in Congress to date.

This bill creates a new environmental/energy agency to rate all homes and buildings for energy efficiency. Prior to the sale of any home or building an inspector must come out and rate the structure's roof, windows, insulation, doors, heating system, appliances, water heater, etc. for energy efficiency. Anything that does not meet a set standard must be replaced with something that meets the standard. The seller has to do this at their expense prior to any sale. You can not sell until the house/building is certified energy efficient. My husband and I have a pretty nice house. But it's 20 years old. The only thing that would pass inspection is our roof which we replaced two years ago. In order to sell our house we would basically have to remodel it and replace all the items I listed above except the roof. If we could afford to do that, we already would have. If your house is more than ten years old you can bet a lot of stuff would not pass the standards. How would you pay for this? Would you have to take out a 2nd mortage just to upgrade your house for sale? Can you get the financing to do this? How many first time buyers will be priced out of the market as the price of these upgrades are passed on to the buyer? There will be no "fixer uppers" available for first time buyers. This new regulation was in the portion of the bill that people were allowed to see in the last days before the House vote. What other horrid things are in it that have not been seen yet? And why would anyone vote on something they have not seen? In what world does that make sense?

Here are some other ways the economists think this bill will effect Americans.......The home energy cost for the average American will increase $1,000 per year. The energy costs for businesses will rise much more dramatically and they will lay off workers and charge higher prices to make up for it. Every single thing we buy will cost more. We will have less disposable income to pay for these things after we pay our home heating/cooling bills. Most economists say two jobs will be lost for every so called "green" job created. What is a green job? Can you think of one that you qualify for? American gas and oil companies will stop production in the US and import the oil/gas from other countries to sell here. This bill will actually INCREASE our dependence on foreign oil. American production will be taxed out of existence. US oil/gas workers will lose their jobs. All the oil our country owns will go untapped while we import less expensive oil and gas from countries without these energy taxes. Companies in general will move overseas and export jobs and production to countries who do not have these massive energy tax costs. Unemployment will skyrocket. Companies will not be able to compete in the world market if they produce in the US.

The most alarming thing about this bill is who will become rich from the passage of it. This bill will be, in effect, the largest tax assessment on businesses and individuals in American history. You will pay this tax as an individual through higher prices for everything. Maybe with your job. Where is this money going? None of it is going to help the poor or middle class. It is also not going to most of the "traditionally" rich people in America. Instead, most of this money is going to go to the owners and investors of the companies like General Electric (they have secured contracts in advance after massive political contributions) and to the people who will buy and sell the carbon tax "credits" on the market. These credits will become like stocks that can be traded on the market. The entities created to do this will make BILLIONS of dollars doing so. Al Gore, who owns one of these entities, stands to make over ONE BILLION dollars himself from this bill. This bill is going to create a whole new class of "energy" millionaires and billionaires. Most of the politicians pushing this bill, like Nancy Pelosi, have lots of personal money invested in the very entities that will get all this money.

And the truly sad thing is that this bill is not going to bring down overall worldwide carbon emissions. China and India and other countries have no intention of passing similar regulations. They will make up for our reduction of emissions as their economies grow and thrive. And they will grow and thrive as our economy fails and shrivels. They will welcome all the business and production our government drives out of the US. Our individual "footprint" will be forceably decreased. Our individual standard of living will decrease. The footprints and standard of living for individuals in these countries will increase proportionally and wipe out any overall reduction of carbon emissions.

PLEASE do some research on your own. If your research shows it to be as potentially destructive to our economy as I do, then start calling and writing your Senator. Pass your knowledge on to friends and relatives. You can have a different opinion on it than I do. That's fine with me. Feel free to tell me where you think I'm wrong too! I feel it is so important for individuals to look at this bill that I am willing to put my political opinions out there and risk having individuals on this forum "not like me anymore" just because of where I fit into the political spectrum. I'm taking that risk because I feel that if politicians and the media will not inform people properly than it is up to us as individuals to do it for them.
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After reading about this a couple of days ago, I didn't know what to say about it, I'm just speechless, and TBQH I still am.
Oh yeah, this isn't going to disappear. (the thread)

Honestly Catharine your assumptions are somewhat right but a little narrow minded. There will be other bills to rectify most of what you are threatened by. Oboma's said that he is going to tax any US based company that operates outside of our country. If nothing else, so far this president is keeping his promises. Yeah we might pay more for a pair of nikes, but it will bring jobs back and prevent companies from leaving. It isn't smart business to operate overseas when the tax you pay costs more than operating here. Yes we will all feel the pinch. Oboma promised that too. But sacrifices have to be made. This economy isn't going to fix itself.

Honestly. If your home doesn't meet these requirements. Then as a concerned citizen you should have it fixed long before it's time to sell. Hell I think you should be taxed for inefficient wasteful homes. Again as things are our environment isn't going to fix itself. So because the rest of the world isn't going to follow suit we should say F it and burn all the oil we can?

I agree that this bill is a little scary if you look at it for face value, but are too blind to see that this is one bill in many that will all work to an ultimate goal.

The best thing about America is, if it don't work we get to change it again in 4 yrs.

And just to remind you, The man responsible for this cluster **** situation we are in isn't Oboma.

I gave up my car and built an electric bike. I don't think it gets much more committed than that.

I could type more but I'm doing all of this with one hand and it's getting sore.

BTW, I am a Republican
Oh Oh :(

Oh Oh....I just read the site rules and I guess politics is not acceptable as a discussion topic, even in the Lizard Lounge. I guess the Moderators will remove this thread as soon as they see it. That's fine....Rules are rules. Maybe it will be appropriate for discussion when some of us get notified that our chameleons use too much energy to light and heat. That day is coming.....
Indeed, I'm already planning sun tubes from my roof. They aren't expensive if you install them yourself.

I wasn't trying to call you narrow minded or blind. I just read that and didn't like the way it came off I was being very general..well trying. :)
Yeah, we're not supposed to talk politics, even though it's pretty dang tempting....

I love how people think it's ok to add additional taxes as a punishment all the time. Your home is inefficient - TAX. Your business has employees in China or India - TAX. Your car gets bad gas mileage - TAX. How about the mindset that the government should mind their own damn business and quit spending trillions of dollars on BS wasteful projects, and not need the tax money in the first place?

It might have worked to "Blame Bush" for everything 6 months ago (even though the president can't really do anything without approval from Congress, which was majority Democratic most of Bush's time in office), but at this point, the "Big O" has had time to make a difference, and nothing is any better than if it had been left alone to recover. We now need higher taxes for decades into the future to pay for all the wasteful spending. I think if anyone is justified in blaming the last administration, it'll be our next 2-3 presidents. I think the 2010 elections are going to swing power back into republican hands (Senate & Congress), and the economy will recover quickly at that point. There's no motivation to start new business right now when the Govt is so easily spending stupid amounts of money, and taking over so many major corporations and banks.

Hate to beat the same drum, but the HR669 Reptile-ban bill that was going on a few months back was backed by 100% Democrats besides one independent (no Repubs). If an industry has ever come together for something, it was the reptile people against this bill.

How's that "Hope and Change" working out for ya?
I gotta love you Tyler! I put back the post that I had deleted so you could see it. I deleted it through editing after I read the rules about politics. Now I figure if the responses remain, my original post should remain for context. The Moderators can remove the whole thread when they want to. I totally understand that they probably should. I should have read the rules before I posted it. Until then anyone that sees it can put any responses in context with my original post.

Thank you for clarifying your post Pure. I do not see myself as narrow minded or blind. I spend a great deal of time keeping myself informed. I prepared corporate taxes for part of my career. I understand the whole overseas taxation process and the related issues. This bill will result in lost jobs and corporations moving overseas. They will move their assets and operations into foreign corporations. It's a global world. They don't have to remain as US corporations. Every time our government tightens the tax noose on corporations they find a way to get around it. We already have the highest corporate taxes in the world. Jobs will not return to the US because of this bill. The opposite will happen.

I also have to agree with Tyler about who created this mess. Obama owns this economy now. He has caused the doubled or tripled projected deficit, the printing of money to cover his increased spending, the downgraded value of the US dollar, the reluctance of other countries to buy our debt, and on and on. He is the one bailing out and taking over companies in a manner that is probably unconstitutional. George Bush warned Congress 12 times to reform how Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the others made loans. He warned them about the crisis for two years and they did nothing. Every attempt to reform the housing mortgage rules to prevent that crisis was supported by the Republicans and prevented from passing by the Democrats, including Obama. He voted against every attempt to reform the lending regulations. So he partially owns that crisis too.

As far as the ultimate goal is.....what goal? Whose goal? Total control over every facet of my home and my life is not a goal I want to see accomplished. I don't believe the US Constitution gives the government the power to take over industries, tax every facet of my life and tell me I have to remodel my home in order to sell it.

As for promises. Obama has broken many promises. He said that every bill would be presented for five days of public inspection before being signed. He has never kept that promise. The bills being passed are not even being read by the people voting on them, let alone the public. He promised transparency in his administration. There is no transparency. We can't see the bills being passed. He appoints all these Czars that are in control of every facet of our lives and are accountable to nobody but him. We already have Federal agencies in charge of every one of these areas that is accountable to the people and to the congress. He is circumventing that accountability by appointing these Czars. He said he would have a bi-partisan process. Republicans are not allowed into any of the House or Senate meetings that draft the bills being presented. They are not allowed to have open discussion about them in a public manner. It's a "My way or the highway" administration. Obama forgets that 48% of the country did not vote for him. He is not allowing any of that 48% representation of any form. He promised that anyone under $250,000 would not have a tax increase in any form (federal return or pass throughs). The Cap and Trade bill is a massive tax increase on everyone. He also wants to tax employer provided health benefits for everyone but union members.

As far as the best part of America being change through a future election....I'm hoping for 2010. If not I firmly believe the US economy will end up like the state of California's economy. I love California. It's the state I choose to go to for vacations. But that state is a perfect example of how Obama's policies will work for the country as a whole. Every one of his policies has been tried and failed in various states or other countries.

I guess I will wait for this thread to be removed......but that's ok...I understand. The stakes are high and the passion one way or the other is high too. Too easy to create hard feelings when people feel so much passion over something.
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