Cant keep cricket in mouth


New Member
I didn't think this need to go in the health thread because Reggie is doing really well and eating a lot, but i noticed that every once in a while he catches his pray and than seems to have a hard time keeping it in his mouth to swallow. its not like he is in pain or anything, it looks like he cant get a grip on it. I'll link a video of him so you can see what I'm talking about. He drops the food at like 00:40 sec. excuse the sounds of birds and me speaking.

I was wondering if maybe his prey is too big or something like that. I'm feeding him 1/2 in. crickets and he just turned 6 months old.

Link to previous post:
It looks like he didn't like the taste of that cricket. Maybe its like getting a bad sunflower seed! lol :D
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