Can they do this?

im an officer. if i respond to this job, I'm referring both of you to civil court, its a civil matter, not criminal. sounds like a pain in the a, too, sorry
I finally spoke to the girl. She was really nice at first but then the claws came out when I started naming all the things wrong with him (due to poor husbandry and care) It went like this.

Me:your husbandry from what I could see was really off.

Her: My relationship is none of your business. We are not married, I'm talking about my chameleon.

Me: ..........

I don't even have words.
Sheesh... I want to laugh, but I'm too busy facepalming. Hopefully that will be the end of it.

Me too Lathis.
It's like a first grade fight "give my pokemon card back I want it back now!" You don't have to give it back and I wouldn't because of the poor conditions for the cham. If she continues to harass you I would block her number or tell the authorities you're being harassed. And my god, "I'm talking about my chameleon!"
Don't worry. She is just a hot head that doesn't know chameleons at all and wants her pet back 2 torture it once more. The law is on ur side. Just file a harassment complaint and she will leave you alone. (or u can threaten to file one and scare the cr** out of her:p)
I call it a bluff I am a criminal justice major with a batchalors degree let me tell you she has no right and the transaction has already taken place you have nothing to worry about! Keep taking care of that little guy hope all is well !

I'm finishing up my degree and going to law school, and I know a lot about contractual agreements...I wouldn't give it back. The chameleon is rightfully yours. You keep it, and continue taking good care of it. She has no legal baring to sue you.

Well I watch JUDGE JUDY,:D and what I can tell you is she CAN sue you. And if she does, she will have her boyfriend testify that he let you care for it while THEY were on a trip or vacation and that you now refuse to return it. (Basically lie to give themselves credibility)
Unless you have a bill of sale, or some WRITTEN proof transfering ownership to you it's your word against thiers. Pets are property in the eyes of the law. I don't believe the fact you are taking care of it or it has medication for a condition will make any difference in this case.

I would also welcome every call they make to you, and RECORD every single one that they state it was given to you while they were breaking up. Or any conversation where she is unreasonable and yelling. This will help you defend yourself against any theft case they may have, and the judge can rule it's yours to keep if he doesn't want to sit there and sort out thier lovers quarrel. (Go Judge Judy :p )

She doesn't really have a case,but nothing says she can't sue and take up you rtime in the process just to be spitefull. (And NO you can't usually counter sue for being sued in this type of case.) Good luck witht teh Cham. I'm sure he will be happier with you.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Well I watch JUDGE JUDY,:D and what I can tell you is she CAN sue you. And if she does, she will have her boyfriend testify that he let you care for it while THEY were on a trip or vacation and that you now refuse to return it. (Basically lie to give themselves credibility)
Unless you have a bill of sale, or some WRITTEN proof transfering ownership to you it's your word against thiers. Pets are property in the eyes of the law. I don't believe the fact you are taking care of it or it has medication for a condition will make any difference in this case.

I would also welcome every call they make to you, and RECORD every single one that they state it was given to you while they were breaking up. Or any conversation where she is unreasonable and yelling. This will help you defend yourself against any theft case they may have, and the judge can rule it's yours to keep if he doesn't want to sit there and sort out thier lovers quarrel. (Go Judge Judy :p )

She doesn't really have a case,but nothing says she can't sue and take up you rtime in the process just to be spitefull. (And NO you can't usually counter sue for being sued in this type of case.) Good luck witht teh Cham. I'm sure he will be happier with you.

Just my 2 cents worth.

I don't want to go into what my profession is on this forum, but I will stress that the law is on your side. They transferred possession to you. It is as simple as that.

Call the police if you're that concerned and they will tell you the same thing.
I have the craigslist ad.

That's all you need. Depending on how nervous you are you can file a complaint with the police of harassment and extortion. Police tend to go with the first to complain, but the facts are you have the craigslist ad and they can go rattle up a cat's behind.
Well I watch JUDGE JUDY,:D and what I can tell you is she CAN sue you. And if she does, she will have her boyfriend testify that he let you care for it while THEY were on a trip or vacation and that you now refuse to return it. (Basically lie to give themselves credibility)
Unless you have a bill of sale, or some WRITTEN proof transfering ownership to you it's your word against thiers. Pets are property in the eyes of the law. I don't believe the fact you are taking care of it or it has medication for a condition will make any difference in this case.

I would also welcome every call they make to you, and RECORD every single one that they state it was given to you while they were breaking up. Or any conversation where she is unreasonable and yelling. This will help you defend yourself against any theft case they may have, and the judge can rule it's yours to keep if he doesn't want to sit there and sort out thier lovers quarrel. (Go Judge Judy :p )

She doesn't really have a case,but nothing says she can't sue and take up you rtime in the process just to be spitefull. (And NO you can't usually counter sue for being sued in this type of case.) Good luck witht teh Cham. I'm sure he will be happier with you.

Just my 2 cents worth.
You cannot record someone without their knowledge. That would be inadmissible in court. And if he did tell them he was recording the convo I guarantee they wouldn't give him anything useful
I could be wrong, but that law may vary from state to state. How else does evidence of this type get used in courts? It does somehow.
I could be wrong, but that law may vary from state to state. How else does evidence of this type get used in courts? It does somehow.

It can vary some but this is a very common law. Evidence obtained in that manner is hardly ever allowed to be used in court except by police officers who have warrants, or when you are already under arrest and read your miranda rights. It isn't admissible if you record someone without their knowledge in most states. So I wouldn't offer that as advice. Vet bills and Craig's list ads are good enough. A transaction took place and that is all that really matters.
It can vary some but this is a very common law. Evidence obtained in that manner is hardly ever allowed to be used in court except by police officers who have warrants, or when you are already under arrest and read your miranda rights. It isn't admissible if you record someone without their knowledge in most states. So I wouldn't offer that as advice. Vet bills and Craig's list ads are good enough. A transaction took place and that is all that really matters.

Possession is the law. There was a craigslist ad and Poshpenny became the owner. She was the owner for a month prior to individuals wishing the 'property' back.

Chameleons are not children, they are possessions and pets. In a court of law the onus would be on them to even prove that a) they bought the pet originally, b) that is the same pet, c) that they said in their Craigslist ad that this was a disputable item, etc.

Where are their sales receipts for the item? For all poshpenny knows this is an extortion scam that they do repeatedly to make money or perhaps this is not even their chameleon.

The law is all about possession and this would not go to criminal court since there is a craigslist ad and at the most it would go to a small claims court and a judge who is more pragmatic and not willing to deal with this sort of stupid. The pet was sick when she got it and she cared for it.

The ONLY thing that Poshpenny could be charged with in a transaction of this type--and it is not the case here--is if the chameleon was stolen and she knowingly took possession of it. Other than that this was a concluded business transaction.

If they purchased the chameleon together it is not stolen. One half of a rightful owner has the ability to sell an item.
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