Can I use a super fogger in my enclosure


New Member
Hi people,

Just a quick question,

Can I use a super fogger with my panther ambilobe chameleon....

I got a mister already.
But like the ideal of a fogger as a dew in the morning when the lights come on.
And it will also raise the humidity first thing?

Thanks in advance
You can use a fogger. What type of enclousure is your cham in? if you have him in a glass enclousure and where you live is pretty hard to keep humidity stable i would use.But if thats not the problem theres really no need for it.Couple sprays through out the day and live plants help keep humidity. Just make sure you have the ventilation going in and out for him cause a stagnate air can cause respritory problems. Asumming you have him n a glass enclousure. With a screen cage that shouldnt be a problem.
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