Can anyone here please help ?

What type of hydrometer are you using it could be faulty have you checked it with another one. If it is analog I would definitely change it out for a digital one. And make sure it's towards the center of your enclosure, and not around your heat light.

i have what im using in the pic you can see a lil black device with red buttons on it... But good point I is right under the heat light.. so u say center it and at what lvl would u say still by the top or center middle?
Ok,breeder n vet are two different types of person,im a breeder also,but I wont give any medication to a cham without the total diagnosis. Its like a woman clothing designer n a woman fittness instructor,when the cloth are too tight to be fit ,the woman clothing designer can try to tell her to try the new pair cloth from the looks only but the woman fitness instructor will start looking at her diet n exercise routine and pin point the cause n provide the right solution.
Ok,breeder n vet are two different types of person,im a breeder also,but I wont give any medication to a cham without the total diagnosis. Its like a woman clothing designer n a woman fittness instructor,when the cloth are too tight to be fit ,the woman clothing designer can try to tell her to try the new pair cloth from the looks only but the woman fitness instructor will start looking at her diet n exercise routine and pin point the cause n provide the right solution.

Ya well put.
Sorry you're having so much trouble with your chameleon. You really need to get her to the vet.

You said your chameleon is on meds for the respiratory infection...what medication?
Does she have any bumps/swellings on her face on the left side? Her left eye looks swollen.

You said she had/has a mouth infection...when a chameleon has a mouth infection usually the area has to be cleaned out by a vet because the pus is like cottage cheese and won't be penetrated by the antibiotics. Also the usual bacteria found in mouth rot is pseudamonas aeruginosa and it's hard to get rid of. A culture and sensitivity test would tell the vet what antibiotic would best fight the bacteria involved in the mouth infection.

Regarding her not eating...between the meds, the sinus infection and the mouth being tender its not surprising.
Also, the supplements being incorrect could be contributing to it.

Since most feeder insects have a poor ratio of calcium to phosphorous its important to dust the insects just before feeding them to the chameleon with a phosphorous-free calcium powder at most feedings to make up for it.

It's recommended that you dust twice a month with a phosphorous-free calcium/D3 powder to ensure that the chameleon gets some D3 without overdosing it and leaving the chameleon to produce the rest of the D3 from its exposure to the UVB light.

It's recommended that you dust twice a month with a vitamin powder that contains a beta carotene (prOformed) source of vitamin A. PrOformed sources of vitamin A cannot build up in the system and lead to overdoses like prEformed sources can and by using the vitamin powder with the beta carotene it leaves it up to you to decide whether the chameleon needs prEformed or not.

Appropriate temperatures allow for proper digestion and thus play a part in nutrient absorption. The basking spot should being the low to mid 80'sF for her.

Of course water is important too. She should drink well every day. The cage should be able to dry out in between misting and overnight.

Also...are you aware that panthers can lay eggs without having mated and need an egglaying bin in the cage at all times once they are sexually mature?

Hope you can get her healthy again quickly.
i have what im using in the pic you can see a lil black device with red buttons on it... But good point I is right under the heat light.. so u say center it and at what lvl would u say still by the top or center middle?
Yah put it directly in the middle see if your humidity don't come up. The light will effect it greatly.
Well cuz I do not have the money for her to go to the vet, I made up my mind and Im going to take her back to where I got her from for 2 weeks..
I don't want her to pass over me being bulled headed and thinking I can do anything.. I'll update ya'll right here in 7 days..

Peace thanks for helping guys
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