Cams and Other Herps?


New Member
Would Chameleons be kept with other animals? Like Ive seen in one pic a guy a had a cham with a Waxy frog? Could they be kept with frogs, or am I just asking a question were the Answer is no.
I think it would depend on the type of chameleon. Some chameleon species would see the frog as a food item. If you are useing pygmys I do not think it would be a problem since frogs like the type of cage setup that pygmys require.
Well the type of Cham I want is a Veild. Can you keep them with other type of frogs, maby like Red Eye Tree Frogs? What types can you keep with Pigs?
i wouldnt risk it with veileds because they are extremely territorial and will eat or kill the frog. i believe you can put them in with most pygmyes as long as they have identical temps and humidity. Pygmyes are not territorial i believe because i have seen setups with 2 and 3 pygmes in the tank.

You have another thread going right now with practically the same question. Try to keep it organized and in one spot. I think you are going to get the same answers as in the other thread.

In my Opinion, Two different species need to be kept seperately in captivity, so as to be able to monitor the health and acitivity of each animal and make any necessary adjustments to keep them healthy. Chameleons are a demanding animal to keep... Adding another animal to the mix I think just adds too many more areas for stress/sickness/competition or other unforseeable incompatabilities you may come accross along the way. I think that the concept of creating an enviornment with the ranges necessary to sustain different speicies of animal is very intriguing... but is definately something to be done by an experienced Zoologist, with a very large area to use for the experiment. IMO You could never do this correctly with an enclosure smaller than a house, I believe it should be big enough for both animals to live, only encountering or coming accross eachother occasionally. Look at the size of nature.. then look at the size of the biggest Enclosure you could build... Not big enough. The idea is cool, but not to be attempted by the novice keeper. Create each animal it's own MicroClimate... I think you will be a lot more successful in keeping both...and you don't risk stressing them out. If you are new to keeping Chams... I would do everything as "by the book" as possible. Good Luck.


Do you have 8 cents.. I only have a dime?:D
Absolutely not.
Pygmies and frogs together is a bad idea as well.
You are indeed asking a question to which the answer is no.

No dude. If you want to keep another species get it it's own enclosure. Veileds aren't compatible with a damn thing... including other veileds
Which Chams are the Most Handable

I saw on one site that the recomended keeping a Pig with a Crested gecko.

On a diferent subject, Which Chams are least aggressive/territrial? I would like one that I can hold once in a while.
Once long ago at a petshop when I didnt know anything about chameleons a guy had 2 WC mellers and an Iguana in 1 huge glass cage.
Which Cham do you think will be good for me? I started to look at Flap Neck Chameleons, what do you think? So you guys know what ever cham I deide to get I will study up on it for a while.
Which Cham do you think will be good for me? I started to look at Flap Neck Chameleons, what do you think? So you guys know what ever cham I deide to get I will study up on it for a while.
From what I understand flap neck chameleons are one of the more difficult species to keep. I would go with either a Veild or Panther when you think you are ready. From my experiences the temperament of the animal soly relies on the individual animal's character. Obviously WC are typically meaner.
Well I odnt have enough money to get a Panther. Im looking from FL Chams website to get a CHameleon rom since we live in the same state and are fairly close to each other. If you wouldnt mind could you help me figure out a which Cham to get from Fl Chams site, Please and Thankyou. I would really appreciate it because I dont know whih to chose. I can provide what ever they need for their care requiremnts.
Well I odnt have enough money to get a Panther. Im looking from FL Chams website to get a CHameleon rom since we live in the same state and are fairly close to each other. If you wouldnt mind could you help me figure out a which Cham to get from Fl Chams site, Please and Thankyou. I would really appreciate it because I dont know whih to chose. I can provide what ever they need for their care requiremnts.

FL Chams, is a good choice. The next show (around here) is in Orlando 7/19-20, it is usually preferred to go to the show to pick your chameleon. This is what I would recommend:
I would recommend starting with a male Veiled. They are great to start out with, grow fast, and may or may not tolerate handling. I have one that is very, very easy to handle but he is an oddity!
Is it harder to care a baby Veild because we were wanting to get a baby. HOw big do male Veilds get? Mike said that Flap Neck Chams have similar care to Veilds.
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