C. gracilis Rescues


New Member
I picked up four Graceful chameleons that were recent imports. They came in looking like hell and not able to hold themselves up.

The one that looks like she's going to make it has been doing pretty good. She had an injured foot and wasn't using it at first but after a couple of weeks, she's using it all the time.


One female died a couple of days after she got here.

One female had to be euthanized today by my vet. She was extremely weak and her eyes were both infected. I couldn't let her suffer any more. Her trip here to the US was bad enough. To live like this was just hell. EDIT: The vet didn't think she would recover and he has a lot of experience with all kinds of rescues. I think she was dying while at the vet's office because her color got really bright.

One male I'm working on now has some eye issues and we're treating him with antibiotics (eye drops). He's also getting subcutaneous fluids for the next couple of days then we'll switch him over to Pedialyte. I have a good feeling about him. I think he'll make it.


Just wanted to share this with the forums.
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My first chameleon ever was a Graceful! Nice to see someone else get to enjoy these great animals.
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