Built on a double basin sink stand.


New Member
I thought I would take a moment to share my solution to drainage. The two screen cages are on a modified sink stand (I know I'm messing up the wording here, but you get the point.)
Beneath that I'm using plastic sheeting to a collection bucket. This allows me to run the RainMaker system 4 times a day without a worry on carpet.

But, I do have a question. My Fischer (Pixel) is intolerant of humans, but not super shy as far as distanced observation. But my Veiled (Bride) runs for the hills when I'm around, and it's not uncommon for me to go two or three days without seeing her (kind of gets scary).

Lights are fine, she's either eating or the crix are escaping (food dish only holds them so long) and I've yet to see her drink. When I do get a glimpse, she appears to be healthy... but I've NEVER had a cham that was this skiddish. Any suggestions I might be missing? I'm assuming that planting isn't a huge issue, but maybe it's too much? She's about 5 months old now, and still very small.

Pixel, the Fischer, always has been, and always will be mean, but I'm noting that his normal 'patrol' behavior is slowing down, and his pattern rarely comes down all the way. He's the first Fischer I've kept (as the name implies, I'm a Jacksoni fan, and these are the first non-Jax I've had.)

I'm sure I'm over reacting. New Hampshire lacks a good herp vet. Fecals are clean and white on both, and I use Poland Spring (yes really) in the misting system.

Any reaction to this mindless rambling of mine is greatly appreciated.



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Is there a divider between the cages? That could be causing some stress for them... Also, maybe try some real plants....

Looks great though! Good luck.
its real.

Yeah, theres a white plexiglass divider between the two. The plants are a mixture of real and plastic (no green thumb. I am the plant reaper.). Thanks for the input though!
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